Ms Barrowman's Classes

Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Real Wee Treasure

Hi There!

Lynsey in S1 has volunteered to share her wornderful essay on Treasure Island with us. We read the play, and the class were asked to write about Long John Silver's character, and how he acts and changes through the play. I'm really proud of all the hard work put in by Lynsey and her classmates - well done guys!

Click below to read the essay...

Ms B


I have been reading the Treasure Island play by Malcolm Morgan and adapted from Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel. I will be focusing on the character Long John Silver. Throughout the play the character Long John Silver changes. In the first act I thought he was friendly but you find out from Billy Bones that he is not trusted and to watch out for him. At the start of act 2 we find out that he is the ships cook but then you find out he’s a pirate! In act 3 Jim and Mrs Hawkins etc, find out he is a pirate. In act 4 we find out he is kind and wants to help Jim. In this essay I will tell you more about Long John Silver.

In act 1, scene 1, we first hear about Long John Silver from Billy Bones. He tells Jim to “ Beware the sea faring man with one leg.” This shows that Silver is untrusted and Jim should keep an eye on him.

In act 1, scene 2, we first meet Long John Silver but we don’t know it is him yet. He is dressed as a Friar and pretends he is drunk to over hear Mrs Hawkins talking to her friends about the treasure map, the stage directions say ;
“There is a pause and the Friar raises his head, places a few coins on the table and picking up his crutch, which has up to now remained unseen, he slowly moves to the door. It is seen he has but one leg.” This shows he is sly enough to pretend he is a Friar and takes a risk about his identity.

In act 1, scene 3 , Mrs Hawkins think Silver is a nice man and he is very friendly, the quote that lets you know that is
(Mrs Hawkins); “ You know Jim, I do like that Mr Silver.”
(Jim); “Do you Mother? So do I !”
(Mrs Hawkins); “ Yes he is such a nice man.”
This shows that they think he is a good man. I am now going to tell you more about Long John Silver in act 2.

In act 2, scene1, Squire finds a cook who is Silver but Squire doesn’t know that, and then Silver finds a crew who are pirates too and are his old ex- crew mates who sailed with Captain Flint, Squire thinks Silver is a good man this quote tells you that Silver is in charge
“ You’ll ’ornpipe, and you, Tom, and you, Dead Bones. And what’s more, You’ll like it.”
This quote shows you he is powerful even though he is the ships cook.

In act 2, scene 2, we meet Ben Gunn an old ship mate of Captain Flint and Long John Silver, Tom Morgan, Black Dog,etc. When Jim mentions about Long John Silver on the Island, Ben Gunn jumps out of his skin, this is the stage direction that tells you ;
“At the sound of Silver’s name, Gunn leaps into the air with a shriek, then rushes at Jim then grabs him.”
The stage directions tell you that Ben Gunn and everyone else are scared of Long John Silver because of his reputation.

In act 3, scene 1, Black Dog takes Jim hostage and tries to cut Jim’s throat but Silver stops him and agrees to let Jim go if Squire etc, helps Jim to dig up the treasure. This is the quote that lets you know Jim is hostage
(Jim); “let me go! Let me go!”
(Silver) “ stop that you fool.”
I am now going to move on to act 3,scene 2, when Silver shows his true affection for Jim.
In act 3, scene 2, Silver shows he really does like Jim and tries to help him. This is the quote that Silver really cares for Jim.
(Jim); “But you will be alright ?”
(Silver); “I don’t know, lad. That doesn’t matter. You will, and that does.” This shows you that Silver has a soft side to him and likes Jim on the inside, and is friendly.

Throughout this play I think Long John Silver is a mixed character. At the beginning he is evil and dishonest but near the end you begin to like him and turns friendly and funny. The best bit was when Long John was joking to Jim that they wouldn’t bump into any pirates but he was one. I thought he was really evil when he took Jim hostage. Overall


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